Extreme Snowboarding Over HUGE Pop Tarts Box01:24

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Same setup as last video, but still fun! I got this pop tarts box from a local grocery store that was giving it away and I was like hey “why not!” Also there was a little water at the end of the jump, which I thought was cool because it made me not want to fall even more, and it was kind of like a little obstacle. And of course my very last shot I fell and totally soaked my camera!!! Good thing it still works:)

As always enjoy and subscribe for more!

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Please watch: “EXTREME Boogie Boarding in Florida!”

    1. Nar osity
    2. Ethan Stangle
    3. Daniel Detwiller
    4. Josh Wilkinson
    5. Ethan Silver
    6. Bike Race Addict
    7. Eric Kuhn

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